Practitioners, watch the MERTIL for Practitioners Webinar Recording here

Professors Jennifer McIntosh
& Louise Newman
lead the MERTIL team

MERTIL is led by two of Australia’s infant trauma experts:

Professor Jennifer McIntosh AM

Professor of Systemic Practice & Family Therapy at the Bouverie Centre, La Trobe University, and Director of the Melbourne Attachment & Caregiving Lab, Australian Temperament Project-Generation 3 study.

Jennifer is both a clinical specialist and researcher, with a particular interest in research translation, specifically making developmental theories “user friendly”, enabling parents, carers and professionals to consider the experience of children more sensitively in the context of family trauma. Over 30 years, Jennifer has completed extensive training and research programs for the Australian Attorney General’s Department, the Family Court of Australia, Department of Health and Human Services, Office for the Status of Women, and national family services including Relationships Australia and Anglicare.

Professor Louise Newman AM

Professor of Psychiatry, University of Melbourne, and formerly Director, Centre for Women’s Mental Health, Royal Women’s Hospital Victoria.

Louise is a practicing infant psychiatrist with expertise in disorders of early parenting and attachment difficulties in infants. Her research has explored the issues confronting parents with histories of early trauma and neglect. As Director, her work focussed on evaluation of infant-parent interventions in high-risk populations, parental reflective functioning in mothers with Borderline Personality Disorder, and the neurobiology of parenting disturbance.

MERTIL Project

Dr Anna Booth

Research Fellow,
School of Psychology, La Trobe University

Tanudja Gibson

Project Manager

Ellen Welsh

MERTIL Online Learning
Coordinator, La Trobe University

Dr Shikkiah de Quadros-Wander

Clinical Psychologist 

Web Development Team

Dr Jade Sheen

Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, Director of Simulation-based Education, School of Psychology, Deakin University

René Bennett

Learning Designer, Faculty of Health, Deakin University

Matt Johnson

Learning Management System Design,
UTS Education

Expert Advisory Board

Ms Meredith Banks

Enhanced Maternal and
Child Health Advisor,
City of Whittlesea

Professor Peter Enticott

Professor of Psychology
(Cognitive Neuroscience),
School of Psychology, Deakin University

Dr Sabin Fernbacher

Mental Health Consultant

Ms Beth Gammel

Clinical Nurse Consultant, Maternal and Child Health, Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne

Dr Amy Holtzworth-Munroe

Professor of Psychology, Director of Graduate Studies, Indiana University

Associate Professor
Brigid Jordan

Paediatric Social Worker and Infant Mental Health Clinician, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute

Ms Mary Mallia

Psychiatric Consultation-Liaison Nurse, Centre for Women’s Mental Health, The Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne

Dr Robyn Miller

Chief Executive Officer,
MacKillop Family Services

Dr Graham Music

Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, Travistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom

Dr Susan Nicolson

General Practitioner, Centre for Women’s Mental Health, The Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne

Professor Craig Olsson

Director SEED, Director ATP Gen-3, National Convener, ARACY, Longitudinal Studies, Deakin University

Associate Professor Melissa O’Shea

Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, School of Psychology, Deakin University

Associate Professor Campbell Paul

Consultant Infant and Child Psychiatrist, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne

Dr Claire Ralfs

CEO, Relationships Australia, South Australia

Dr Paul Robertson

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Mindful Centre for Training and Research in Developmental Health, University of Melbourne

Ms Emma Toone

Consultant Child Psychotherapist,
Berry Street

Dr Joe Tucci

CEO, Australian Childhood Foundation