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(My Early Relational Trauma Informed Learning)

Online Professional Training and Parent Education

Preventing Early Relational Trauma &

Growing Early Relational Trust and Attachment

Developed and delivered by Infant Mental Health Specialists
Professors Jennifer McIntosh AM and Louise Newman AM

Current Attachment Theory and Neurodevelopmental Science Brought to Life


MERTIL is a self-paced, online course

for Early Childhood and Family Workforces,

based on current Attachment Theory, Neurodevelopmental Science and

Trauma Informed Practice

MERTIL (My Early Relational Trauma Informed Learning) offers self-paced, online training in the identification of and response to early relational trauma. MERTIL translates attachment and caregiving theory and evidence for application in all frontline early childhood workforces. The course emphasises observation and recognition of traumatised states within the parent-child dyad and early support for repair through frontline engagement, resonance with both parent and infant, strengths-based conversations and well targeted practical responses.

MERTIL offers a unique 12 hour online program, supported by a vast library of multimedia learning resources. This can be enhanced with in-person workshops on request. For those who’ve already completed MERTIL or who are looking for an introduction to identifying early relational trauma, we offer the 2 hour Mini MERTIL course.

MERTIL was originally delivered to 1500 Maternal and Child Health service staff in Victoria, Australia. The program was acclaimed, creating enduring change in confidence and capacity for frontline work with all forms of early relational trauma.

MERTIL is now available to all and is highly recommended for early childhood and family wellbeing workforces.

Who should do MERTIL

Suitable for…

Family and Child Health Nurses
Home visitors
Social Workers
Family Support Workers
Child Protection Workers
Infant Mental Health Workers
General Practitioners
Allied Professions

If you’ve ever asked yourself…

How can I help these parents form stronger relationships with their baby?
What would be most helpful for these parents to hear about their baby’s development right now?
What really easy strategies would help these parents connect with their baby?
When should I think about more formal intervention?
What would make these parents really “see” this baby?
How can I explain the importance of being present for the baby?

History and Development

MERTIL was designed in Australia by infant mental health specialists Professors Jennifer McIntosh AM and Louise Newman AM and a team of national and international expert content advisors.

Since 2018, the MERTIL online course has been completed by thousands of Allied Health Practitioners.

Research on trainee data found strong evidence of effectiveness, including dramatic increases in self-rated confidence in responding to early relational trauma (Clancy, McIntosh et al, 2020).

The MERTIL project is based at The Bouverie Centre – La Trobe University, and operates in partnership with Deakin University, Australia.