MERTIL for Parents

Hunter New England Central Coast


MERTIL for Parents will help you see your child’s behaviour differently. You’ll understand why trust matters so much to a baby’s development, plus how to grow it, repair it and keep it, especially when life is difficult.  

This program was created by family nurses, parents, psychologists, and researchers, and all the content is backed up by science.

MERTIL for Parents consists of a short 35 min video split into 4 chapters, plus 5 real-life parent-child video examples and extra printable resources. An audio-only version of the course is also available.

MERTIL for Parents Chapters

CH 1: Introduction and why this program is for you (7 min)

CH 2: Why trust matters (10 min)

CH 3: Trust and trauma; rupture and repair (10 min)

CH 4: Becoming your best parent, with support (8 min)



Please register below

Additional Information

This program is provided at no cost to parents through the Hunter New England Primary Health Network's Annual Grants Program. The program includes a few compulsory questions at the start and end.

In registering to complete this parenting program, the user understands and agrees that the information they provide will be:

  1. Fully anonymous and
  2. Used by The Bouverie Centre, La Trobe University (Melbourne, Australia) in reporting to the project funders, and in research, about who uses the program and how helpful they found it.

If you do not agree with these Terms of Use, you cannot complete the program as part of this free access. You may instead purchase the course from